In 2018 my wife told me I needed a hobby. A Boise Venture College badge holder with a bachelor's in evolutionary biology waiting tables at Ruth's Chris Steakhouse. I was all over the place with days to kill and she was right. So, with a gifted miter saw, I got to work making the most horrible picket fence furniture you've seen. Then I tried airbrushing wood signs as I had some experience body painting, but that's no field for the colorblind.
Fast forward a year, a guy named Tim Ulmen (now good friend and mentor) showed me the way down the rabbit hole of fine studio furniture. I fell hard down this hole and crafting the finest functional art possible is the aspiration that I eat, live, and breath from sun up to nightfall seven days a week. It's my passion. With a surname of Sawyer, some might call it a cosmic calling; all I know is I thoroughly get my rocks off daily pushing the limits of my skill in this craft. I'm excited to bring your project to life on a level you've likely not seen before (definitely not if you're shopping at furniture stores).